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Engineering 相关话题


一、专科先容About the Major 软件工程专科是校重心建造专科、江苏省“罕见工程师造就培养筹办”专科、江苏省“镶嵌式东说念主才培养”专科。 The Software Engineering major is the key construction major of the university,the major of Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program in Jiangsu Province, and the maj
一、专科先容About the Major 软件工程专科是校要点建树专科、江苏省“非常工程师教师培养计算”专科、江苏省“镶嵌式东谈主才培养”专科。 The Software Engineering major is the key construction major of the university,the major of Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program in Jiangsu Province, and the majo
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